Conducted entirely in Polish

How Digital Dragons powered by KPT ScaleUp Booster works
E-book about the programme
DownloadApply to the Digital Dragons Accelerator
Fill the formIntroduction
We are looking for game companies registered in Poland:
- with an interesting video game at development stage
- ready to show us a playable build, demo or vertical slice
- with a game planned for any platform: PC, console, mobile, VR or web
- with strongly determined, experienced team
- with innovation-based approach to game development
- with high business potential
- led by founders ready for intensive cooperation

It will be a short procedure with a few formalities:
- you fill an online recruitment form
- our experts will evaluate your project and team description along with your self-diagnosed needs and motivations to join Digital Dragons Accelerator
- we will invite the most promising indie teams for in-depth interviews
- you will pitch us your game and strategical and marketing plans
The seven most acceleration-oriented companies will be invited to our acceleration programme. The last part of recruitment and the first step into acceleration programme will be the signing of the Acceleration Agreement.

Formal requirements
Our grants come from public funds so we have some formal requirements.

We can support:
- companies registered in Poland
- no longer than 5 years on the market
- with capacity for de minimis public aid
- with all intelectual rights to the product
- with micro-entrepreneur or small entrepreneur status
We can’t support:
- a company related by capital or person to Digital Dragons Accelerator
- projects which received support based on funds obtained under 2.28 Startup Booster Poland activity of the European Funds for a Modern Economy programme
- a company that conducts activities excluded by the European Union under relevant regulations
- a company that conducts activities in:
> manufacturing, processing or marketing of tobacco and tobacco products
> production or marketing of alcoholic beverages
> producing or marketing pornographic content
> trading in explosives, weapons and ammunition
> games of chance, mutual betting, slot machine games and low prize slot machine games
> production or marketing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors
- a company that is excluded from the possibility of receiving EU support, in accordance with the Implementation Act
- an entrepreneur who is in a difficult situation within the meaning of EU regulations or is during restructuring proceedings
- an entrepreneur who is obliged to return aid resulting from a decision of the European Commission declaring the aid unlawful
- an entrepreneur as to whom there is justified doubt as to whether they have the rights to dispose of the notified product
Formal documents
After inviting your game studio to the acceleration program, we will ask you to sign a Grant Agreement with a few attachments, a bill of exchange as an agreement security, a de minimis aid form and excerpt from the National Court Register.
If you have any doubts, our team will be your guides along this path. All of these formal papers are standard documents in Polish accelerators co-financed by the governmental Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.

The most important values that you can find during acceleration programmes are unique know-how from our mentors and ecosystem partners, networking opportunities, faster product development. But we also have grants for you. These financial resources are financed by EU-financed Operational Program European Funds for a Modern Economy.

Go Global
During “Go Global” edition of our programmes you can receive up to 80 000 PLN. You can spend them on foreign expansion costs: international B2B lub B2C events, study visits, business partners acquisition, localization, product development etc. The most important goal of this grant is to go global and expand abroad.
Go Product
''Go Product" path will be available in 2025. It will allow you to focus on product development: getting business partners, salaries, software, subcontractors, etc. The most important objective of this grant is to upgrade the product and accelerate development.
Our team will help you prepare all details in Schedule and Budget sheets, everything according to the rules of Polish Agency for Entreprise Development.